For the 2012 regatta the organising committee invited Chico to be one of the support boats. We hosted 8 members of the committee for 6 days. A race team includes a timekeeper, a gunner, spotters, recorders and flag officers, all supervised by a race officer. The regatta takes place over 6 days and includes passage races from Craobh Marina to Oban, Oban to Tobermory and back, plus races around buoys and islands. 114 yachts participated. A splendid event, slickly organised and greatly enjoyed by both the competitors and organising committee.
Yachts mustering before the start. |
Race team assembled to record
race finishers.
The Race Officer checking that no yacht crosses the line before the
starting gun. The start line is between Chico and the black buoy in
the background.
The fleet bunching up through the narrows between Lismore and Port Appin. |